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  1. 1. I want to say out my opinion.
  2. 2. Please list out the items you need.
  3. 3. We must voice out our grievances.
  4. 4. We have used out all our money.
  5. 5. She always points out my mistakes in front of the boss.





  1. 1. I want to say out my opinion.(你能說出你的看法嗎?)
  2. 2. Please list out the items you need.(請列出您需要的項目。)
  3. 3. We must voice out our grievances.(我們必須提出我們的不滿抱怨。)
  4. 4. We have used out all our money.(我們用盡了所有的錢。)
  5. 5. She always points out my mistakes in front of the boss.(她總是在老闆面前指出我的錯誤。)


然而,當港人要將以上中文句子翻譯成英文時,卻會出現「說錯話」的情況。較常見的是會把中文的「出」直接翻譯成「out」,例如:「say out」(說出);「list out」(列出);「voice out」(提出)及「used out」(用盡)。雖然看似沒有錯誤,但當套用於句子內,便有機會「詞不達意」。



1.「說出」= air my opinion; express my views 或 I want to have a say in this matter.

2.「列出」= write down ; make a list of something

3.「提出」= air/express our grievances或We have to speak out what we think.

而speak out 是片語動詞 (phrasal verb),尤指對有強烈共鳴的話題作公開發表意見或坦率說出的意思

4.「用盡」= We have used up our money.


Debbie Law :

現代教育 X 活學教育

TVB Think Big 天地英文導師

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