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運用慣用語 說話更地道(二) - 《IELTS攻略》

運用慣用語 說話更地道(二)

在英語培訓的職業生涯中,筆者不時教授一些英語水平已達一定程度的學生,既然他們說得一口流利的英語,為甚麼還要花時間再去進修呢?以筆者的教學經驗而言,英語愈好的學生,愈會追求更高、更好的層次,精益求精。一些在科書內找不到的慣用語,如成語(idiom )、諺語(proverb)等,很可能就是他們要去探索的領域了。以下是一些口試常用的例子,希望大家能好好地掌握運用。


It never rains but it pours 禍不單行


例句:It never rains but it pours.  Yesterday, I lost my USB drive and this morning I locked my keys in the room.


See eye to eye 不謀而合      

See eye to eye的意思是與某人的意見完全一致。

例句:The boss doesn’t see eye to eye with her team about the overtime pay arrangements.


Where there’s a will there’s a way  有志者事竟成

這句諺語,相信大家都耳熟能詳,它的意思是只要立定志向去做,事情終究會成功。這裡的 will是名詞,意思是意志、毅力、決心。

例句:Janet was about to give up on finding the finance to start up her own business but she was reminded where theres a will, theres a way.


Where there’s life, there’s hope  留得青山在 不怕沒柴燒


例句:Our company has survived several recessions(經濟蕭條)and is still making a small profit. So while theres life, theres hope.


To bell the cat 挺身而出


例句:Everyone made suggestions in the conference room about this challenging project, but no one actually offered to bell the cat.

A drop in the bucket / ocean  滄海一粟


例句:What the team members were paid for this project is just a drop in the bucket / ocean when compared to what the leader gained.


Any port in a storm 寒不擇衣


例句:He hates his job but he can’t find another one especially when the economy isn’t good at all. Any port in a storm, you know.


Haste makes waste  欲速不達


例句:Haste makes waste, so make sure you check the data carefully before handing in the lab report.