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運用慣用語 說話更地道(三) - 《IELTS攻略》

運用慣用語 說話更地道(三)



Speak of the devil 一講曹操,曹操就到

這句比喻正說到某個人,他就湊巧來了。中文諺語提及的曹操,就是英語版本的devil(魔鬼)了。這句的完整版本是 “speak of the devil and in he walks.”。

例句:We were gossiping about the teacher in the washroom the other day when speak of the devil, she walked in!


Once bitten, twice shy  一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩

這句的意思是當一次被咬(即bitten)後, 下次便變得怕醜膽小(shy),比喻曾遭受挫折,以後遇類似狀況 時,就變得膽小如鼠。

例句:The first time I tried to lead a team, I failed.  I’ve been so scared to do it since.  Once bitten, twice shy.


Not measure up 小巫見大巫

這比喻能力相差甚遠,無法相提並論,可帶有自謙的意味。 Measure up 之後要用to,如 “A measures up to B.”,即 A與B相稱。

例句:Our small team does not measure up to any of the others in renowned international corporations.


Like father, like son 有其父必有其子



Jack’s father smoked all the time at home and now Jack is smoking extensively too. Like father, like son I suppose.


Take things as they come  隨遇而安


例句:After her carefully planned business plan failed because of unexpected changes in the economy, Bernice soon learned to take things as they come.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder  情人眼裡出西施


例句:The owner of the company is not very attractive, but her husband thinks she’s gorgeous, so everyone in the company supposes beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.


Forgive and forget 不念舊惡


例句:When my classmate accidentally deleted my report on my laptop, I was angry at her for days. But my teacher finally convinced me to forgive and forget.


A storm in a teacup / A tempest in a teapot 小題大做

這句以比喻人將小事視為大事辦理,就像在茶杯(teacup)或茶壺(teapot)內製造一個風暴(storm / tempest)般,有故意誇張的意思。A storm in a teacup 較英式,而 tempest in a teapot 則較美式。

例句:All that because a couple of the hundred invited guests didn't show up? What a storm in a teacup!